Areas of Expertise

I have a general practice. Yet, I believe that I can be of special value to clients with issues in areas, where I have life experience, especially when I have had an opportunity to work on these issues in personal therapy and when I have developed expertise in them as a therapist. As a result, I can recognize challenges and opportunities for my clients that they may not yet be aware of themselves. These areas of expertise are:

1. Clients over 40.

Clients over 40, depending on their age and specific circumstances may need help with issues such as, but not limited to the care for aging parents, empty nest, career, health challenges, and transitional issues in midlife and (pre)retirement.

2. Gay men

Gay men often seek help with one or more of these issues:

  • A focus on homosexuality, such as coming out, shame, discrimination and internalized homophobia
  • Decisions and issues common to everyone, but often experienced differently because of one’s background as a gay man
  • Evaluating and making sense of life, looking at one’s past, including one’s history as a gay man as well as assessing/exploring one’s possibilities in the future.

My own experience of being gay, coming out struggles etc. can be helpful in understanding what my clients are experiencing, while I realize that not every therapy situation calls for an examination of gay issues.

3. Trauma, loss, and grief

I work a great deal with clients who have been exposed to trauma or may have lost a loved one, sometimes to suicide.

4. The immigrant experience

Having lived for more than 25 years in the USA during various periods of my life (exchange student in high school, graduate school in the 70’s, and then again since 1994) as well as 40 years in Holland (up to age 17, bachelor’s, 20 years in Human Resources Management) gives me a unique perspective on some of the possible issues that foreigners in the US might face: Visa problems and the anxiety that can come with that, uncertainty how long to stay with a possible impact on one’s commitments, adjusting to the culture and way of life, differences with a spouse (American or foreign) about a variety of immigration related issues, unmet expectations and, of course, homesickness. My expertise in this area is also helpful for Americans who are involved with foreigners.

5. Legal issues: life on hold

I provide psychotherapeutic support to clients who are going through the roller coaster of legal proceedings, sometimes as a result of traumatic events. It can be hard to disclose to friends and family the details of the traumatic events and the legal proceedings. These clients often have to put their life on hold. Being able to talk to someone who understands this process can be of vital importance. My work does not include custody evaluations or psychological testing.